在介紹前請先回答一個問題,看到ante- 直覺反應是before (先前)還是against (反對)?
答: ante- before,如果心裡想著against請注意拼法anti- (e在i之前)
(eg) anti-war 反戰
想加強對anti- 的印象可以拉到文章最後的短片加強記憶。
現在先來認識 ante-
ante- before (Latin)
antecedent (n)(a) |
ante/ced/ent = before / go / adj. = previous 之前的 (a) antecedents (n) = ancestor, forefather = 祖先 (n) (之前走過的人) explore the antecedents of theater 探索戲劇的起源 |
(以下的單字/ 例句是準備TOEFL/IELTS的同學不知不可的)
pre – before
unprecedented (a) |
un/pre/ced/ent = no / before / go / adj. = unheard of 史無前例的 (前面從來沒走過) an unprecedented president 一位史無前例的總統 the unprecedented scale of environmental pollution 空前的環境破壞 P.S. cede/ ceed/ cess = go |
pro – before / forward (pre 的變體)
prospect (n) |
pro/spect = before / see = likelihood, possibility 可能性 enhance the prospects of preservation 增加了保存的可能性 |
prominent (a) |
pro/min/ent = forward / project / adj. = very well known and important 著名的 a prominent antropologist 重要的人類學家 P.S min 有二個意思: 1. min = project 使…突出 (eg) pre-eminent = 傑出的 2. min = small 小 (eg) miniature = 微小的 |
fore – before / in front of
foresee (v) |
fore/see = before / see = 預知、預測 (先看到) the foreseeable future 可預見的未來 |
foremost (a) |
fore/most = before / most = leading 最重要的、最佳的 (放在最前面的) She’s one of the most foremost experts on physics. 她是物理領域中最頂尖的專家之一。 |
Hope that helps!
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