講者Sally的工作是 talking head. 這是什麼職業? 就是類似台灣政論節目中名嘴的角色。
她說 When I do my job, people hate me. 這個職業沒有強大的心臟是做不來的 。在政論節目上常常會看到一些固定炮灰,例如某偏綠的節目上會出現一位偏藍的代表為自己的言論辯護,
影片精華 Gist
“Emotional correctness is the tone, the feeling, how we say what we say, the respect and compassion we show one another. “
“Political persuasion doesn’t begin with ideas, or facts, or data. Political persuasion begins with being emotionally correct.”
Essential words 重點單字
1. progressive |
進步的 / 積極進取的 |
I’m a progressive lesbian talking head on Fox News. |
2. talking head |
電視評論 / 名嘴 |
3. obliterate |
徹底毀掉 |
I debate people who literally want to obliterate everything I believe in -- in some cases, who don’t want me or people like me to even exist.
4. incidentally |
附帶的 |
In other words, we can be politically right but emotionally wrong. And incidentally, that means that people don’t like us.
5. the kicker |
驚喜 |
Now here is the kicker. Conservatives are really nice.
6. hokey |
做作的 |
It actually sounds really hokey to sort of say it standing up here. But if you try to put it in practice, it’s really powerful.
7. impressive |
令人敬佩的/ 令人印象深該的 |
I think Shawn Hannity is 99% politically wrong, but his emotional correctness is strikingly impressive, and that’s why people listen to him.
8. common ground |
共同點 |
If we can start to find compassion for one another, then we have a shot at building common ground. |
Native English speakers 用的罵人字
a traitor: 叛徒
a scourge: 禍害
a cunt: 笨蛋、討厭鬼
a dyke: 對lesbian 女同志的輕蔑稱呼
語氣方向字整理 Markers
In fact 事實上: 表強調,前後句是同個主題
When I do my job, people hate me. In fact, the better I do my job, the more people hate me.
But 轉折語氣: but 後面接的是重點
For decades, we have been focused on political correctness, but what matters more is emotional correctness.
影片連結: https://www.ted.com/talks/sally_kohn_let_s_try_emotional_correctness/transcript#t-82907