adapt / adopt
adapt (v) ; adaptation (n) ; adaptive (a)
(v) to change something to suit different conditions 關鍵是改變。為了某些狀況去改變。
adapt to 使適應~
to adapt to a new culture 適應新的文化
to adapt a novel to a film 小說改編至電影
a great book movie adaptation 一部非常好的小說改編電影
adopt (v) ; adoption (n) ; adoptive (a) ; adoptable (a)
(v) to take something over, to choose or take as your own
to adopt a baby boy 領養一個小男孩 (領養小孩也是某方面的”選擇”)
to adopt a suggestion 採納建議
adoptive parents 領養人(雙親)
an adopted child 被領養的小孩
Prince Edward 的演講中曾經把二個字巧妙的用進來,你可以看懂文意嗎?
The young business and professional men of this country must get together round the table, __________methods that have proved so sound in the past,
1. (A) adapt (B) adopt
__________them to the changing needs of the times and wherever possible, improve them.
2. (A) adapt (B) adopt
– HRH Prince Edward, Prince of Wales
Answer key: 1.(B) 2.(A)
adopt methods that have proved so sound in the past
adapt them to the changing needs of the times and wherever possible
從後面的to the changing needs推出來adapt 改變to成為
“The young business and professional men of this country must get together round the table, adopt methods that have proved so sound in the past, adapt them to the changing needs of the times and wherever possible, improve them.” - HRH Prince Edward, Prince of Wales
- HRH愛德華王子,威爾士親王
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